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Various thoughts are put into this 450mm square campus.
Classics the Small Luxury is pleased to work with a variety of artists to propose new possibilities for the handkerchief, rethinking the role of the handkerchief and sharing and resonating with each other. We hope you will enjoy the world view of each artist.

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29 products


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Country of origin
Sold outKiyomi Nakagawa [FASHIONKiyomi Nakagawa [FASHION
Kiyomi Nakagawa [FASHION Sale price₱1,000.00
Kiyomi Nakagawa [NECKLACEKiyomi Nakagawa [NECKLACE
Kiyomi Nakagawa [NECKLACE Sale price₱1,000.00
Mick Itaya Champagne PartyMick Itaya Champagne Party
Mick Itaya Champagne Party Sale price₱1,000.00
20th Anniversary Makiko Tanaka: Mizuhiki of rosebush20th Anniversary Makiko Tanaka: Mizuhiki of rosebush
Yoshishige Watanabe Tenshi-no-SkipYoshishige Watanabe Tenshi-no-Skip
Kiyomi Nakagawa [Perfume bottle中川さん【香水瓶】 - CLASSICS the Small Luxury
Kiyomi Nakagawa [Pumpsパンプス - CLASSICS the Small Luxury
Kiyomi Nakagawa [Pumps Sale price₱1,000.00
Kiyomi Nakagawa [Map].中川さん【マップ】 - CLASSICS the Small Luxury
Kiyomi Nakagawa [Map]. Sale price₱1,000.00
Makiko Tanaka Magic Salad田中麻記子 Magic Salad (マジックサラダ) - CLASSICS the Small Luxury
Makiko Tanaka Magic Salad Sale price₱1,000.00
Yoshishige Watanabe [4-tsuno green].Yoshishige Watanabe [4-tsuno green].
Kiyomi Nakagawa [Make-up中川さん【メイクアップ】 - CLASSICS the Small Luxury
Kiyomi Nakagawa [Make-up Sale price₱1,000.00
Yoshishige Watanabe Kokorono NiwaYoshishige Watanabe Kokorono Niwa
Makiko Tanaka La Dance田中麻記子 ラ・ダンス - CLASSICS the Small Luxury
Makiko Tanaka La Dance Sale price₱1,000.00
Yoshishige Watanabe Rose NianataYoshishige Watanabe Rose Nianata
Mick Itaya CURONECOMIC Sale price₱1,000.00
Sold outMakiko Tanaka Vitamin Dream田中麻記子 Vitamin Dream (ビタミンドリーム) - CLASSICS the Small Luxury
Makiko Tanaka Vitamin Dream Sale price₱1,000.00
Mick Itaya dovedove(ダヴ)(ブルー) - CLASSICS the Small Luxury
Mick Itaya dove Sale price₱1,000.00
Makiko Tanaka Tegustation田中麻記子 テギュスタシオン - CLASSICS the Small Luxury
Makiko Tanaka Tegustation Sale price₱1,000.00
20th Anniversary Wedding Tree [Bridal Handkerchief20th Anniversary Wedding Tree [Bridal Handkerchief
20th Anniversary Prolace A [Bridal Handkerchief].20th Anniversary Prolace A [Bridal Handkerchief].
20th Anniversary Prolace B [Bridal Handkerchief].20th Anniversary Prolace B [Bridal Handkerchief].
Kiyomi Shin Nakagawa [Madame Blanc].Kiyomi Shin Nakagawa [Madame Blanc].
Makiko Tanaka, Uneufet田中麻記子 ユヌフェット - CLASSICS the Small Luxury
Makiko Tanaka, Uneufet Sale price₱1,000.00
Mick Itaya Dangerous PartyMick Itaya Dangerous Party
Mick Itaya Dangerous Party Sale price₱1,000.00
Makiko Tanaka Angel boy田中麻記子 Angel boy - CLASSICS the Small Luxury
Makiko Tanaka Angel boy Sale price₱1,200.00
Kiyomi Shin Nakagawa [SweetsKiyomi Shin Nakagawa [Sweets
Kiyomi Shin Nakagawa [Sweets Sale price₱1,000.00
Kiyomi Shin Nakagawa [Madame Noir].マダムノワール - CLASSICS the Small Luxury
Makiko Tanaka Le Paradis du fruit田中麻記子 Le Paradis du fruit (ル パラディ ド フリュイ) - CLASSICS the Small Luxury
Makiko Tanaka Berry Angel田中麻記子 Berry Angel - CLASSICS the Small Luxury
Makiko Tanaka Berry Angel Sale price₱1,000.00