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About Embroidery Options

The online shop offers 15 differentInitial EmbroideryBodyguard embroideryBridal Motif Embroideryare available.

<Customers who wish to have their initials embroidered>
(1) Select the product of your choice
Select "Yes" for initial embroidery.
Select the alphabet
④Select font
(5) Select the position
⑥Select color
⑦Select message card, gift wrapping, receipt, and handbag respectively
⑧Click "Add to Cart

List of embroideries handled in the online shop
List of thread colors

Available typefaces and embroidery positions vary depending on the product design. Please note that the available typefaces and embroidery positions vary depending on the product design.

<Customers who wish to have bodyguard embroidery>
Products subject to bodyguard embroiderySelect a product from
Select initial embroidery "with" or "without
Select "Yes" for bodyguard embroidery
④Select category
⑤Select your favorite motif
Bodyguard embroidery positionSelect "upper left vertical
Select message card, gift wrapping, receipt, and handbag.
Click "Add to Cart

<List of Bodyguard Embroidery
Good Luck Safety Love Success luck with money Health Victory study

Subject of bodyguard embroidery >
*Bodyguard embroidery finishing time: 7-10 days

<Customers who wish to have bridal motif embroidery>
Products subject to bridal motif embroiderySelect a product from
Select initial embroidery "with" or "without
Select bridal embroidery "Yes
④Select your favorite motif
5) Select the position of the bridal embroidery: "upper left side".
⑥Select message card, gift wrapping, receipt, and handbag.
Click "Add to Cart

List of bridal motif embroidery
Subject products for bridal motif embroidery >.
Embroidery of bridal motifs: 7 to 10 days