The day of the world hand wash. 2020.10.13
10Month15The day is the day of the world.
In order to spread the right hand wash, it was an international sanitation year2008A year10Month15The day was defined as "the day of the world."
After hand washing, the handkerchief wipe wet hands.
You can use it again and again, it's soft, it's soft, light, and you can enjoy your comfort. Handkerchief that dissolves everyday, as a gift with thought, as one of the appearance that is active in various scenes. In this column, the handkerchief with such attractive stuffed4I will introduce from one axis.
Handkerchief 4 attraction
# 1 Sitory
Handkerchief active in various applications. For example, in the case of a meal, it is possible to hang on the knee so that clothes do not be dirty, and for someone to lend2If you can carry a piece, you can do smart responses at the time of emergency.
Handkerchief of "Little Bird Race", which is loved for a long time since its launch. The "small bird" is also designed to be a happy symbol. There is also love in the elegance, and if you have one, you will be active in various scenes.
Click here for the Handka chet of a little bird race>
# 2 Maintain
A gift, handkerchief.When I'm glad or sad, I will wipe it when I'm full of tears and informing my cheeks. It may be like an album that can be led to emotions, sometimes nostalgic memories and memories that can be resurrected in an instant. It is also the attraction of Hanka Chizu that you can lose your mind with the power of the glamorous design, walk instead of the amulet, and to give it a special day.

Color variations in the "SiC Color" series are rich 108color. As it is a simple design, how do you choose while thinking about color and favorite colors that were important as a gift for yourself?
SiC Color Handkerchief All 108 colors from here>
# 3 Functional
Daily cleaning is a simple new texture handkerchief. Sea Island cotton18The thick yarn called3Weaved with this twisted threadmico"The touch like a towel is fluffy touch. It is a functional handkerchief that is hard to become wrinkled even after washing and woven fabric.

23㎝×23Because of the small size and small size, there is no bulk, so it's a hacka chillfish2It is also recommended.
# 4 Repeated use
Hanka chills that can be used repeatedly are just eco items. Handkerchief of hemp is a good water absorbency and easy to dry. Strength is about cotton2There is a doubling and long-lasting. It's a favorite Hanka Chief, because I would like to close it for a long time.
In addition to the facial expressions and tastes that are rich enough to use, the touch is soft, so enjoying your aging change is also the attraction of Hemp Hanka Thaf.
Click here for the Bitamindream Handka Teaf>
October 15 is the day of the world.
Handkerchief with four charms. We will continue to communicate the attractiveness of the Handka Chief.