Handkerchiefs designed by Yoshishige Watanabe, art director of KIGI, to go on sale on May 31
Handkerchiefs designed by Yoshishige Watanabe, art director of KIGI, to go on sale from May 31
KIGI will release handkerchiefs with delicate line illustrations by Yoshishige Watanabe, art director of KIGI. The themes are based on the iconic motifs of Classics: hearts, angels, and roses.
Four designs, six pieces in total. One is a printed design + one-point embroidery, and the other is a printed design only.
The material of the handkerchiefs is cotton linen. It has both softness and crispness.
The frame-like stitching is called "one hem," which is both strong and accents the design.
Printed design + one-point embroidery
TENSHI NO SKIP (White) (Pink)
One-point embroidery with one heart in the skirt of an angel.
You can't help but skip when you wear a skirt like this.
Adult angels skip ladylike.
I wonder who is waiting for me.
3,300 yen (tax included)
Click here to see the products >.
Kokorono Niwa
One point is an embroidered dog collar.
Pansy garden.
Heart the dog walks so as not to step on the flowers.
Wait, I want to pile up the flowers.
I'll take one heart.
3,300 yen (tax included)
4 horn green

One-point embroidery of green eyes of a cat being held up.
4-horn green
The angel holding the cat wants to float softly.
The cat's name is Green.
The angel took him.
3,300 yen (tax included)
Printed design
Rose Nianata (gray) (white)
Surrounded by blooming roses, this handkerchief looks as if the fragrance of fragrant roses is wafting through the air.
Rose Nianata
Many vine roses bloomed again this year.
I love the smell of overly sweet roses.
Shall I sleep under the roses today?
Let's make rose perfume tomorrow.
3,300 yen (tax included)
Click here for products >.
Click here for a list of Yoshishige Watanabe's products >.
Yoshishige Watanabe
Art Director/Graphic Designer
After working at DRAFT, he established KIGI with Ryosuke Uehara in 2012. In addition to graphic design, he is also involved in product and fashion design, including product planning for "D-BROS," the fashion brand "CACUMA" with Almost-a-Day, and the product brand "KIKOF" with traditional craftsmen in Shiga Prefecture. He also creates artworks in his private life, and operates the gallery and store "OFS.TOKYO" since 2015 (which will be relocated to Ikejiri in 2023), crossing genres with his free ideas and expressive power. He has won the "all is graphics" exhibition at the Daikanyama Hillside Forum (2022), the "KIGI WORK&FREE" exhibition at the Utsunomiya Museum of Art (2017), the Tokyo ADC Grand Prix, Tokyo ADC Member Award, the 19th Yusaku Kamekura Award, D&D Gold Prize, NY ADC Gold Prize, etc. Published picture books "BROOCH", "UN DEUX", "Journey", "Shinjyunoko", "Uta wo Utau Toki", and collections of his works "KIGI/KIGI" and "KIGI_M".